I think it is important 2 not 2 get influenced easily by ur surrounding. Tp bese r,sbg manusia biasa we tend 2 b like dat, kdg2 tanpa kte sdr. If it is a good environment(environment I meant here t’msklah member2 kte, cara dowg, budaya sume2), then Alhamdulillah. But if its not.. hu3.
I’ve always remind myself, jdla dri sendri, bcoz... errr, err.. Well, juz be urself k.. coz blh nmpk dat is juz not u, but ur pretending 2 b someone else. But ofkos, kalo yg baik 2 kte ikut. =) “Buang yg keruh ambil yg jernih baru teguh peribadi~”
sy mmg suke perhati org, xtaw nape. ;p Perangai manusia ni mmg b’aneka mcm & it made me think why they do this n dat sume2. then, kalo da taw die mcm mane, taw la cane nk b'gaul dgn die, i mean, kalo die mmg jenis ckp lps, xyah terasa coz die mmg mcm 2, kalo die x ske ditego ttg kesilapnnye ke, xyah tego direct, do it secara b'hikmah, mgkn tnjk cnth yg baik ke, dll.. insyaallah bkn nk judge pape, but juz ske perhati & insyaallah amik pengajarn la mane2 yg patot.But ofkos, itu sume hanyalah tekaanku semata2, I dunno da real thing right. Smpai kdg2 2, kene restrain diri dlm diam. “Jage mata, jage mata” coz pemerhatianku tdk terhad pd kaum hawa je. ;p Xmo org2 b’kenaan perasan saye usha(which I did, but not in such a way, well, u know what I mean kn?) tp ade je usha coz mmg cntk/smart. ;p jage mata, jaga hati. bese r manusia, mdh t'tarik pd yg cntk (allah pn ske yg cntk), tp cintaku & kesetiaanku hanya pd husbandku. eh, lari dr topik lak. ok, next2...
kalo kte pndg skali die cntk/hensem, tp kali ke2 tak. itu maknenye die cun dr segi fizikal, tp tdk dr segi akhlak. kalo 1st & 2nd time tgk die cntk/hensem bahkn makin sdp memandang, 2 maknanye die mmg cntk luar & dlm. Kalo 1st tgk x brape lawa/smart, tp 2nd time sejuk mata memndg. 2 maknanye, akhlaknye cntk cume mgkn fizikalnya sederhana. (dari hati naik ke mata! ngeh3) kalo 1st & 2nd tgk mmg x sdp mata mendg, maknanye pe? luar & dlm pn buruk. hu3. xtaw sape ckp, ke sy derive sendri. x ingat da. tp dari situ, daku blaja byk ttg kelakuan manusia & it really make feel interested 2ward psychology.
tbe2, t’ingat suatu ketika dahulu (x la lame sgt), when I do things bcoz of people. & I become so uneasy dat saye rase ntah pape sgt. Ok, x related sgt dgn kt atas ni. Mainly nk ckp psl ikhlas. When u do things, bkn sbb u btol2 nk (as in x ikhlas, t’paksa n stuff), perasaan sgt2 la xbest. *Ok, juz 2 inform, dis only concern about me, xtaw la org lain cane. N well slalunye, bende 2 x kekal, hanye sementara coz wat pn cm t’paksa kn.. hu2.
Da la, merapu je..
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