Thursday, March 22, 2012


# i love pisau tajam

# i get bored easily, but i never get bored of apple XD

# suka guna smileys kat skype, coz die gerak2

# my laptop desperately needs a cooler pad (waiting for pc fair, bulan 4 maybe??? nak yang murah jugak, biala biala)

# dengar lagu sentimental sambil makan coklet, memang layan~

# nak earfon in-ear kaler putih. xmau headphones sebab suka bawak tdo & masa jog tak jatuh *eceh jog pun bape kali je 

# kalau angau, memang dasyat -_- but, nobody ever knew *bangga

# in a lookout for mp3

# tarian kpop sangat susah tapi sangat kreatif. takpe, practice makes perfect

# sangat minat dengan us dramas, always one step ahead. expect the unexpected 

# susah nak tido. banyak sangat fikir. kadang2, opt untuk distract kepala dengan layan movie, sampai exhausted baru boleh tido 

# tak sabar nak tengok breaking dawn part 2!!!!

# i adore peti ais besar (kat czech kecik kot freezer die)

# how can you not love romantic comedy???

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

self monologue

I hate the fact that i can’t easily open up to people. I hate that i find it very hard to tell people what i really feel, macam mende yang tak puas hati. When i know, it’ll all can easily be sorted out with effective communication. Tapi suuuusaaaaaaaaaaaah sangat ayat tu nak keluar dari mulut. Lama fikir nak cakap macam mana supaya orang tu tak terasa atau kecil hati. Dari rasa marah jadi rasa sedih sangat, sebab asyik pendam rasa marah tu, tahan setahan-tahannya kerana bagiku its a very small matter. No need untuk menjerit marah2 about it. Tapi dalam masa yang sama, i really believe kalau dapat luahkan akan rasa relieved. I mean i’m not a mind reader, nobody is. How would people know, if you dont tell them.

Tapi kenapa susah sangat nak cakap?????? Bile finally da bole cakap, tak sempat nak smpaikan tujuan kita cakap, suara tersekat, mata basah.  I wish i can be like when i’m writing, like now.
Arghhhh, Get a grip!!!!!

I really need to do something about this. i can’t help but think that the past ‘incident’ banyak mempengaruhi my current mental state, because i dont remember being this sensitive.

Feeling a bit better lepas da luahkan. next time try to do it with real people. let people in!
Sorry, it seems like kat sini je i can really let it all out, for now. I’m expecting improvement from myself, but really, it takes time